On the first day of blogmas my true Jen gave to me
Day 1: Make your own 12 days of blogmas banner
But... But im not creative like that... Like at all
So I was talking with my best friend Jenny from HelloJennyReviews about doing 12 days of christmas blogging this year and to do it with me and she was all for it, having already been thinking of this.
I am not creative with prompts to be honest, so I asked her to do all the hard work and come up with prompts, so thanks Jen!
Make my own blogmas banner... Bruh... What does that even consist of. Imma just go ahead and talk about my process of this for the whole blog post.
Is this supposed to be like a graphic gif? Superimposing letters on a pre- existing gif?
Is it not a gif at all but a picture edit?
Can you even edit pre- existing gifs?
I guess that is what I will try to find out.
SO apperently its supposed to be hella easy with ezgif.com so I will go ahead and start working on a grinch GIF because as you will find out these next couple of days,
I am sort of a grinch!
after an hour
I think this will be the first time in my life that I will do 12 consecutive posts about anything... Well,, Besides instagram, but that is simply posting a picture that I already have. So this is totally something else xD
We shall have interviews, wishlists, our traditions, letters to Santa and more.
So this is for all of you out there, I hope youll join me all of these days and of course, that you will enjoy it !
And also, celebrate that I can now make my own gifs!