Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Topic Tuesday: What do ARCs mean to you

Episode 21: ARCs (Advanced Readers Copies)

This week I shall talk a tad bit of ARCs

For some people, actually, im supposed to talk about what they mean to me and not that they possibly mean to other people and how people treat them... Although many people treat them as a symbol of status which is kinda messed up because any person that loves books is already freaking amazing as heck and automatically important in my life

Anyways, to me it is always so freaking exciting to get an ARC, it is the first look at a new world. Think of your favorite movie series and how freaking exciting it is when you get a sneak preview of the movie or a set picture or even find out the its already in production

Thats kind of the feeling that I get whenever I get an ARC, even an old already published copy that I ahave traded for, because ARCs are different than the finished copies, sometimes they have dialogue or a scene not in the finished copy. Its like an extended cut xD

When I review said ARCs (before the actual release) I feel like I get to share this new world with people and like I am the only one that knows about it, I get to walk around school or anywhere as if I had this secret.


Okay not like that xD

There is just something about it, its like this true first edition that gives you a closer look at the authors original mind, it more of their fluid ideas they had when writting the book.

I honestly get extremely excited with them. After my favorite series, like The Lunar Chronicles, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and such, ARCs are my babies